Cannabis Retreats 2023: That's A Wrap!

As I pulled out of the driveway of the Ellicottville, NY house that we hosted our final cannabis retreat for 2023 at last month, I couldn't help but marvel at what a year it's been. Four retreats, all hosted by MOODRXtreats, brought together like-minded women to celebrate all things cannabis, self-care, and restorative wellness. Talk about an experience of a lifetime.

Overwhelmingly, I feel immense gratitude for the cannabis retreats I have been able to host this year. Here's a quick recap of what it's been like bringing my wildest cannabis retreat dreams to fruition.

Retreat attendees, we love you

I have so much to be thankful for when it comes to hosting these women's cannabis retreats. First and foremost, I am grateful for all the women who joined MOODRXtreats. Coming from all over the U.S., these women showed up with open minds and open hearts — fully embracing the crazy concept I had. Being able to bring this to life for others has been a joy. If you attended one of our cannabis retreats, thank you for joining us.

Teamwork makes the dreamwork

Pulling off a successful cannabis retreat isn't easy. Luckily, I've had two incredible right-hand women helping me blaze a path forward.

Chef Jaci provided balanced, nutritious, and oh-so-delicious meals for all of our guests, while AJ Williams, our Chief Wellness Expert, helped add magic to the weekends.

Being able to work with such inspiring women to bring these retreats to life has been a gift. I can't wait to see what Chef Jaci cooks up for next year, and I am so excited to watch AJ help expand our wellness offerings.

Additionally, I have to give a big thank you and shout out to my PR team: HJ-PR. When we started working together to create these cannabis retreats, we had a rough idea of what we wanted to do and where we wanted to go. With their help, retreat dreams become reality.

The perfect partners

Throughout 2023, MOODRXtreats has partnered with some of the greatest cannabis companies and brands across the nation. We've had everything from cannabis infused beverages and coffee provided to us, all the way to gummies, edibles, flower, vapes, and much, much more.

Holy moly, with the help of our partners, MOODRXtreats gave away so many top shelf products. Thank you to all of our cannabis partners:

Deva Coffee

Kiva Confections

1906 New Highs

CQ Drinks

Hudson Cannabis






Drew Martin 

Snapdragon Hemp

Softer Power Sweets



Seaweed Naturals

Flower Child CBD

Additional musings on these cannabis retreats

So, real talk — I consider myself an innovator, which is a weird “title” for me (truly, it feels weird to write this). But what MOODRXtreats is doing in this space is something that no one else is doing — not like this.

Here's how we are different: We are providing a safe space for women to try cannabis products without judgment, getting “outed” on social media, and with low doses (so it’s manageable). Oh, and this experience happens in a beautiful home with a fantastic chef and activities like sound bath therapy.

In the beginning, I wasn’t sure what type of woman would attend. Was it going to be a die-hard user OR someone more canna-curious? Three out of the four retreats leaned more on the canna-curious side. And guess what? I LOVED IT. Seeing women connect and mingle with other women like this has been life-changing for me. I watched moms finally get a break. I saw daughters connect with their moms connect through cannabis, some even mending and strengthening their relationships. Same with sisters and friends, too.

Ultimately, if I were to put what I do in a couple of words, I would say I cultivate a community where women feel safe, seen, and honored. And may I add, these cannabis retreats truly let women live their best life through laughter, music (karaoke, anyone?), fantastic food, and heart-centered mindfulness.

Truly, could it get any better? Yes. Yes, it can get better — and it will.

The best is yet to come

All that said, I am so excited to bring you the 2024 retreats (more details to come — and soon). When I say we are going to enhance these cannabis retreat experiences, I mean it. These weekends are going to be better than ever before. I hope you’ll join us!

For more details about MOODRXtreats, check out all the details here.


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