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A group doing yoga together.

CBD and Yoga: A Balance of Benefits

According to the Oxford Dictionary, yoga is “a Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practiced for health and relaxation.” And if you ask me, has there ever been a time in human history when yoga was more important than now? I doubt it. While yoga has tons of benefits, so does CBD — so it’s no surprise that CBD and yoga can go hand-in-hand.

As International Yoga Day quickly approaches, I wanted to share some of the best CBD and yoga benefits. Celebrated every summer solstice on June 21st, International Yoga Day aims to celebrate the mental and physical benefits that yoga brings to the world. By harnessing the power of CBD and yoga together, you can take your wellness journey to new heights.

Ready to reap such benefits for yourself this summer? Here’s what you need to know about developing a regular yoga routine.  

From the past to present — a short history of yoga

Group of people outside doing yoga. Many use CBD and yoga together.

Yoga came into being over 5,000 years ago, in India, as a way for saints and sages to integrate their minds and bodies. Therefore; getting closer to enlightenment. 

The word yoga was first in one of the oldest known texts: the “Rig Veda” used by Vedic priests. From there, yoga’s popularity spread throughout the East. From there was a gentle, grounding form of movement that actually worked! Yoga came to the Western world in 1893, when Swami Vivekananda testified about its effectiveness in a speech in Chicago. Read this incredible speech here.

The idea for an International Yoga Day was first proposed by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2014. Supported by 177 nations, Modi’s proposition passed…and the rest is history!  

CBD and yoga?

Yogi in downward facing dog.

Yoga, as you probably know, isn’t the only way to promote bliss, calmness, or inner satisfaction. CBD also does something similar. Could there be a hidden reason for that? Probably so. The same holy books that first mention yoga also mention hemp — which is nature’s best source of CBD!

According to Dr. Uma Dhanabalan, hemp “is one of the five essential plants mentioned in the Vedas, along with soma and barley. It is part of our medicinal and spiritual culture. In Ayurveda, it improved memory, helped combat leprosy and many other things… This is a medicine, and it has to be treated as such.”

Once you consider how CBD works, its inclusion in early spiritual texts suddenly makes sense. Modern science has shown us that both CBD and yoga activate the body’s endocannabinoid system, in the process boosting endocannabinoid levels enough to improve mood and mobility. 

In other words, yoga and CBD work through similar pathways. Maybe this CBD and yoga combination isn’t so surprising after all. 

Just like yoga, the inner workings of CBD are holistic. That’s true from a biochemical standpoint — and a spiritual one. CBD might be just the thing to help you live a meditative life.

How to combine CBD, yoga, and essential oils

Woman on a mat doing yoga.

If you have an endocannabinoid system, then your body stands to benefit from both CBD and yoga.

It’s true: CBD isn’t the only thing that promotes inner balance. It’s not even the only supplement that provides stable energy —essential oils do something similar. Many yoga enthusiasts report that a blend of CBD and essential oils prior to their sessions provides synergistic effects.  

Additionally, many essential oils used through diffusers further boost the good vibes.


Remember, yoga is a process.  When you are truly practicing yoga, it is a process that stays with you all day long, in body, mind, and spirit. It doesn’t stop and start on your mat — hopefully, it catalyzes your health journey and sets you on the perfect journey.