CHAMPS Trade Show 2023: My Takeaways

Originally, when I wanted to write a blog about my key takeaways from the 2023 CHAMPS Trade Show, I planned to highlight the hottest new trends — after all, the CHAMPS Trade Show is the ultimate B2B trade show for the cannabis industry. However, as much as I want to dive into mushrooms (specifically amanita) and my excitement for this specific trend, there is something more pressing to discuss: how the cannabis industry is represented through this premier trade show.

CHAMPS Trade Show at first glance

CHAMPS Trade Show 2023 featured a lot of stereotypical stoner language and images.

My first observation of the CHAMPS Trade Show was that this show was terribly misogynistic. To be honest, it shocked me. Beyond the misogyny though, many of the exhibitors leaned into every stereotype that cannabis has. I guess playing into the stoner, tie-dye, "let's get fucked up" persona while simultaneously featuring women with their tits and ass hanging out is an easy, go-to sales tactic. Here's the truth though: by perpetuating the stigmas and stereotypes around cannabis, the industry is doing itself a long-term disservice by continuing on this outdated path.

Representation within the cannabis industry matters

Holly Teegarden visiting the desert after attending CHAMPS Trade Show 2023.

This really fires me up. Why? Because I see many women, like myself, on Instagram and other social media channels trying to change these myopic perceptions. This is why it's so important for cannabis entrepreneurs, especially women, to have a seat at the table with the big boys in this industry. By getting a seat at the table, women can shift the conversation. Shifting the conversation helps showcase a realistic perspective of the larger cannabis community, too. With a plethora of faces in this industry, representing all these faces is key.

Take me for example...I'm turning 50 this year. I'm a mother. And yes, I'm even in the damn PTA. But what else am I? Another face of cannabis. I saw firsthand how cannabis could change your life and not in the stereotypical way that people think (where cannabis is nothing but a gateway to harder drugs). To me, cannabis is a natural way to make people feel better, and it's also extremely helpful and beneficial to those trying to get off other drugs and those looking for better sleep.

Want to enjoy life more? Are you after a better sex life? Looking to thrive as a better, more grounded version of yourself? I believe cannabis is a game-changer. This is why I created Moodporium, and this is why I host retreats, create cannabis-inspired apparel, make edibles, and I embrace future business opportunities. It's my mission to speak the truth — especially about this industry.

It's time for an industry rebrand

With recreational marijuana becoming more and more prevalent, the industry needs to collectively rethink the language and imagery that they are putting out in the world. Instead of just glorifying the "stoner" stigma, it's critical to show and highlight the actual value of micro-dosing plant medicine. As an industry, we can effectively help more and more people by simply changing the language and imagery most associated with cannabis.

If the CHAMPS Trade Show highlighted anything for me, it's that the industry truly needs to prioritize a shift in messaging and mindset. After going through rows and rows of exhibitors on the trade show floor, I'm going to say that just because you can doesn't mean you should. Just because you can make [insert any type of product under the sun], you also have an obligation, in my humble opinion, to be responsible for the quality and the purpose of what you're making it for. I don't look at this industry and think, "Let's figure out how to get rich quickly" but many do. Ultimately, after leaving the 2023 CHAMPS Trade Show, folks selling products with no vision really stood out to me. The "Hey, let's make some coin and ride this cannabis train straight to the bank" approach is, unfortunately, extremely prevalent.  

Guardrails exist for a reason

CHAMPS Trade Show 2023 highlighted the latest trends of the ever growing cannabis industry.

Just last week, someone asked me what I thought about the FDA putting stricter guidelines on the hemp industry. Let me say it here first — I AM ALL FOR IT. The Wild West is here, and yeah, it worries me. It bothers me that there are stores out there not giving a fuck about what they're putting on their shelves. It's just all about making money for some. But what happens when someone gets hurt? That worries the shit out of me. When someone has a bad experience with something that they bought, word of mouth goes a long way. For example, at their local C-store, they'll tell their friends not to use "Delta 8" but it's really because there are no guardrails right now. When it comes to my business, I vet it all.

While I found some really cool brands at the CHAMPS Trade Show, they all are going through a vetting process. Guardrails are important. We, as an industry, must have those guardrails up to have a future. When we put any ol' crap out there, it is only going to hurt all of us. And do we really want to harm the future of this industry? 

Ready to change the conversation?

While the CHAMPS Trade Show was an eye-opening experience, I left with a new outlook. You could even call it a deeper desire to be part of the conversation that changes the perception of cannabis. Being a voice for middle-aged women in the industry is important to me, and focusing on how I can help as many people as possible will always be my utmost priority, as well as being a safe space for anyone leaning into plant medicine.

What will the CHAMPS Trade Show look like in 2024? As conversations shift in the cannabis industry, I can't wait to see what's next.


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