5 Ways To Start A Daily Self-Care Routine With Cannabis

There is no better time than now to start a daily self-care routine that incorporates cannabis. Whether you're using CBD or Delta 8, there are so many ways to add plant medicine to give yourself a little self-care boost. To me, having a daily self-care routine is so important, and adding cannabis into the mix is just the icing on top of my self-care cake.

The phrase "self-care" often means different things to different people. Generally speaking though, self-care is anything that you choose to do to take care of yourself so you can stay emotionally, mentally, and physically well. When I talk about self-care, the first thing that comes to mind is prioritizing ways to boost my energy, reduce and manage stress, laugh more, and keep a healthy sleep schedule. Does prioritizing these things also resonate with you? If so, here are some tips to help you jumpstart a daily self-care routine and helpful ways to incorporate cannabis into the mix.

1. Make sleep a key element of your daily self-care routine

Prioritizing sleep as part of your daily self-care routine is important — use CBN to get a good night of sleep.

Sleep is the root of our lives — this is why I talk about the importance of sleeping well all the time. Want to feel and perform your very best? Sleep is a critical step in building out a successful and refreshing daily self-care routine.

During sleep, our bodies are healing. Sleep helps support healthy brain function, gives you a better mood, and helps you maintain physical health. We need a good 6-8 hours of sleep each night, so start here. To get the most out of your daily self-care routine when it comes to sleep, make sure to get into a routine of going to bed at the same time every night and planning to wake up at the same time each day. I know what you're saying right, you're like, "Holly...even on Saturday AND Sunday?" Yes. It's part of our circadian rhythm. Trust me, your body will thank you.

About an hour before you go to bed, start to power things down. This is a perfect opportunity to pull out a book or write in your gratitude journal. It's important to slow the body down, so lower the lights and set the mood for your body to know that it's nighty night.

Want to really get some of the best sleep possible? Take a gummy or use a tincture with CBN. The CBN is a natural sedative and it will aid you in getting the rest your body and mind need. Moodporium has so many choices available, and yeah — I've tried them all and they work. Developing a solid routine may take a couple of weeks, but stay consistent. Soon enough, you'll feel better and way more rested on a daily basis.

2. Come on and get happy

Capsules to boost your mood.

Lawd, if you live in Western Pennsylvania like me, you understand Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). The grey skies around here during the winter will knock you down if you left them (don't let them).

If you're not familiar with SAD, it is a mood disorder characterized by depression that occurs in climates where there is less sunlight during certain times of the year. Symptoms of SAD include fatigue, depression, withdrawal from social activities, and hopelessness. Don't let SAD win — let your daily self-care routine keep your spirits up.

Want to keep the SAD blues away? I highly recommend Happiness, a supplement from one of my favorite brands — Winged. Happiness (the name really says it all, doesn't it?) has not only CBD but 5-HTP. I highly recommend including Happiness in your daily self-care routine because it's a natural serotonin booster thanks to the 5-HTP.

If you're looking for another natural mood booster, get a diffuser for your home and let citrus essential oils work their magic. At my house, we have one in our bathroom — so when we first wake up and shower, the smell of zesty lemon naturally perks us up. This is a surefire way to jumpstart and uplift your day.

3. Fuel your energy tank

Woman doing yoga in her apartment.

Feeling drained or very low energy? You're not alone — it happens to the best of us. The more you stick to your daily self-care routine, the less likely you'll fall into a slump. To keep me moving and feeling energized, I have two cannabis go-tos. Delta 10 or THCv:

Derived from hemp, Delta 10 is a cutting-edge cannabinoid that carries similar psychoactive effects and euphoric feelings associated with traditional cannabis use. Not only will Delta 10 give your mood a major boost, but adding it to your daily self-care routine will be extremely beneficial in helping cut down any anxiety or stress you may be feeling.

THCv, also a cannabinoid, is exceptional at giving off a motivated, alert, and energizing feeling. Additionally, its properties can help reduce or even prevent anxiety and panic attacks. THCv is also great because it works to suppress the appetite. If you're trying to change your eating habits, THCv can absolutely help.

To keep your energy high all day, no matter what the day looks like, I recommend saying "Move over, coffee" and instead, take Delta 10 or THCv in the morning.

4. Manage the anxiety beast

CBD, Delta 8, or Compliant Delta 9 can help in your daily self-care routine.

Anxiety is the fucking worst. I know firsthand. If you experience anxiety, first — know you're not alone. And two, don't give in to the beast. Using CBD as part of your daily self-care routine can be a game changer. Trust me, it works wonders. This is why I call CBD tinctures "Liquid Xanax."

When figuring out the right CBD dose to help you fight anxiety, get honest with yourself about how bad your anxiety is. For me, I take 25mg daily and then supplement based on whatever I'm dealing with on any given day. You may need to play around with your CBD dosage to find what works best for you, but once you find what works...you'll know.

Need something more potent than CBD? There are two options — Delta 8 or Compliant Delta 9. Want to really show your anxiety who is boss? I would recommend looking at the Hometown Hero Compliant Delta 9 and CBD mix. This product is the best of both worlds and at low doses.

5. Prioritize laughter as part of your daily self-care routine

Make sure to leave time for laughter.

Laughter is the best medicine. No, seriously, it is. Still need proof? Read this article.

While I prioritize laughter as part of my daily self-care routine, I also recommend setting aside some time — at least once a week — to sit back, chill out, and let yourself get a little giddy. I try to laugh so hard that I pee my pants (TMI, I know but it's the honest truth) once a week because ... why not? Laughter is a great way to connect with others while helping decrease stress level.

Looking for some LOLs? I recommend taking a D8 or Compliant D9 gummy once a week. My personal laugh-my-ass-off dose level is 25mg with Delta 8 and 10mg with Delta 9. Yeah, I'm a lightweight....but boy oh boy, once I start laughing from a gummy — there is no stopping me.

If you're ready to laugh your ass off, simply take a gummy and give it about an hour. Once it kicks in, you'll know. Soon enough, you'll find yourself laughing at whatever show you're watching on TV, your partner, the family cat, and really, anything that comes into your eyesight. It's a good time, and not only do you need it — you deserve it.

Cannabis + your daily self-care routine = A better you

Need a cheat sheet for your daily self-care routine? I've got you covered:

  • Establish a sleep routine and use CBN to help maintain it
  • Every day, use products like 5-HTP to naturally boost your serotonin levels
  • Add lemon or citrus essential oils to keep spirits high
  • Practice gratitude daily — I recommend using the 5-minute journal
  • Tame anxiety with daily CBD doses — you can put tinctures in your tea or coffee to jumpstart the morning
  • Combat energy slumps during the day with D10 or THCv
  • Laugh, laugh, and laugh some more — schedule a night or day to laugh your butt off and use D8

I understand that carving out time for self-care may seem impossible given your schedule, but once you develop a routine that works for you — oh the benefits you'll reap!


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