5 Wellness Products You Must Have

I'm someone who loves wellness products. In fact, I love them so much — it was one of the driving forces behind starting Moodporium. If you're looking to prioritize your wellness, these are my top five must have wellness products:

1. Natrol Mood Positive

This is one of my favorite wellness products — simply put, it helped me get off Xanax five years ago. Many people are unaware of the benefits of 5-HTP (a natural serotonin booster) and L-Theanine, which aids in anxiety and stress reduction. Through extensive research, I discovered that this was the perfect solution for me. It took about a month for me to start noticing a difference, but it truly works. Learn more about Natrol Mood Positive here.

2. Amazing Grass Greens Blend Superfood: Super Greens Powder

My husband swears by Amazing Grass — this is one of his favorite wellness products. No joke, I recently checked our Amazon account...he has purchased this over 15 times. If you're not a fan of eating vegetables but still want to incorporate greens into your diet, this is an excellent addition to any smoothie or drink. It provides him with more energy and promotes regularity. Check out this Superfood powder for yourself.

3. Jade Leaf Matcha

I'm not a big coffee drinker, but I wanted something that would give me an energy boost without the jitters. The unanimous recommendation was matcha. So, I went on a quest to find the best matcha, and this one emerged as my favorite. Here's why I love matcha: it tastes delicious, energizes me without any jitters, and even enhances mental clarity. Give this Jade Leaf Matcha a try and share your thoughts.

4. Winged Wellness Glow Up

Winged Wellness Glow Up powder is one of my go-to wellness products. All you have to do is mix this powder into any beverage or shake for benefits. It has been particularly helpful for my skin. When I consistently use it, people often comment on how great my skin looks and inquire about my skincare routine. Well, this is my secret weapon. Ladies, ditch the Botox and opt for this Glow Up instead.

5. NAC

My husband started taking NAC in December after learning about its numerous benefits. Despite being contained in a small pill, NAC offers tremendous advantages. Wondering what those benefits are? It helps with inflammation, respiratory conditions (which was the primary reason my husband tried it due to his persistent cough for the past three years), boosts brain health, strengthens the immune system, and much more. It's still too early to determine its effectiveness, but he does feel better since starting it. See the benefits for yourself!

What are your favorite wellness products?

Since there are wellness products galore, it is nearly impossible to try them all. With that said, I'll keep sharing my recommendations throughout the year. You can see all my recommendations here. Now, leave a comment and recommend some wellness products to me!


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