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Back to school chalkboard means it's a perfect time for taking CBD for stress.

Why Taking CBD For Stress Is Perfect for Back-to-School Time

Not to distract you from the awesomeness of summer or anything, but you should probably know: Back to School time is around the corner. So long pool days, sleeping in, and extended bedtimes — hello, school supplies, shopping for new clothes, and acclimating to a brand new schedule yet again. Let’s face it — back-to-school time is stressful. You can either go it entirely alone (don’t do it, you deserve better) or you can start taking CBD for stress.

National Back to School Day is near

School bus on the first day of a new school year.

If you didn’t know, National Back to School Day comes around each August 1st. While it’s just one day, I know you’d agree that back-to-school time is actually a whole damn season. From all the preparation students, parents, and teachers go through to gear up and get ready to go back to the classroom — the entire month of August can often feel like a stressful blur.

Depending on your kids and their ages, starting another year of school can mean different things to different people. Yes, pretty much all students need the same go-to staples like backpacks, notebooks, binders, pencils, and clothes — but getting fully prepared can individually look different for kids even within the same family unit.

This time of year emotions can run high. I mean, of course, they do — you and your kids are embarking on a brand new adventure ahead. Back to school is a critical time of the year when many new relationships get formed. Children make new friends and develop new favorite (and least favorite) teachers. You get acclimated with new parental and teacher encounters, too.

Although all of this sounds exciting, Back to School time (especially Back to School Day itself) isn’t without potential hardships. Many kids get anxious about the beginning of a new year, and many parents do too — especially if their kids are new to the school district or they don’t feel like they fit in.

I have good news for you though. Whether you’re looking for stress relief or something to help you stay calm as a cucumber during back-to-school season, there are a variety of CBD and other natural plant essences to help you get through this bustling time of year. Here are my best tips for using CBD for stress:

Catch better zzz’s with CBD

Taking CBD for stress is a key to a good night of sleep.

First things first, CBD is the hemp plant’s primary active ingredient. And fittingly enough, one of CBD’s primary effects is helping consumers sleep better. If you start using CBD for stress relief, your sleep will absolutely change — for the better.

Here’s a quick look at how CBD can promote a better night of rest for you:

  • High doses of CBD may increase sleep duration — once you fall asleep, CBD helps you stay asleep
  • CBD intake may lower stress hormones — this can cause a “sedative” effect that will help you get a good night of rest
  • High doses of CBD are more sedative than low does — depending on the sleep you need, you can dose accordingly

Experiencing CBD’s sleep-centric benefits in time for the new school year is simple — just take a few more drops of your favorite CBD product than normal, a few hours before bed.

Additionally, essential oils and adaptogenic mushrooms may also help optimize your sleep cycles.  

Can taking CBD for stress help in the classroom?

Classroom at school during back-to-school season.

Taking CBD for stress can benefit people in a plethora of ways. So, it’s no surprise that CBD may also help the hardworking mind adapt to new environments and new information — you know, like school.  

According to cannabinoid expert Bob Melamede, CBD helps foster flexibility within the brain. While Melamede and other experts have “hypothesized that people with an endocannabinoid deficiency in critical areas of the brain will tend to look backward in time because that view minimizes the need for re-learning,” the opposite is true of those with endocannabinoid-sufficient health.

After all, “a robust endocannabinoid system equips an individual to adjust to the future by controlling the reformulation of old memories and patterns of behavior as new learning dictates.”

If you’re wondering how to achieve this level of cognitive health, you’re not alone. The answer is simple: just take CBD!

Dr. Melamede concludes by saying that the impact of cannabinoids on the brain’s endocannabinoid levels directly promotes open-mindedness and learning. Quite the antithesis of that “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” mantra of years past!

There’s one more potential way taking CBD for stress could also increase cognitive health: by increasing blood flow to the brain’s frontal lobe. There’s a word for this creativity-boosting effect: neuroplasticity.

Try essential oils for focus

Both essential oils and taking CBD for stress can help with back-to-school season.

School isn’t all creativity and roses (wouldn’t it be nice if it was?), of course. It also requires a hefty dose of focus. While initial research hints that taking CBD for stress might also help with focus, Let’s focus on essential oils in this section.

To begin, two of the best focus-enhancing essential oils are peppermint oil and rosemary oil. Both of these oils contain powerful triterpenes that can enhance your focus. Here’s what else you should know:

Peppermint oil

Peppermint essential oils.

A 2013 study found that peppermint oil could boost focus — and endurance — in elite athletes. In 2016, an animal study found that minty essential oils could even protect the brain from oxidation. Ultimately, improving brain function in the process.

While taking CBD for stress works wonders, so do peppermint essential oils. When it comes to physical ailments or issues like headaches, muscle aches, joint pain, and itching — peppermint essential oils work wonders. And at the same time, peppermint oil is also phenomenal at improving mental function and focus, reducing pain, and reducing stress.

Rosemary oil

Rosemary essential oils.

Did you know that rosemary essential oils can:

  • Stimulate the brain
  • Change brain waves
  • Protect the autonomic nervous system

    Pretty cool, right? In addition to these positive benefits, rosemary oils can help children. According to a study, rosemary essential oils have also been found to help boost children’s memory and their performance in school.

Boost immunity the natural way

Woman practicing meditation for stress relief.

Last, but definitely not least, getting back to school requires a healthy immune system. After all, who wants to get sick in their first week back?

CBD’s activation of the endocannabinoid system allows it to impact the immune system in several ways. While initial research appeared to show that CBD is immunosuppressive, the truth is not nearly that simple.

How does CBD impact the immune system?

CBD for stress in the form of a rollerball.

Cannabinoids of all sorts (including CBD) play an integral role in forming the endocannabinoid system’s feedback loops. And when these feedback loops are strong, the immune system can sense where increased resistance against viruses and bacteria is needed. By ‘absorbing’ endocannabinoids, the immune system can stay nourished and strong.

Scientific research indicates that cannabinoids like CBD have some impact on the immune system. In fact, a lot of the existing research on cannabinoids has involved patients with severely compromised immune systems. For example, this includes those with HIV, hepatitis, or even ebola,.

And through this research, some important trends have emerged. Cannabinoids like CBD definitely don’t make viral infections worse, though they don’t always boost one’s immune response either: “In addition to its immunomodulatory effects, states one study, “CBD’s neuroprotective properties in the EAE model also indicate its therapeutic potential.”

The endocannabinoid system may also help B cells migrate to areas they’re needed most! Could CBD’s impact on the ECS heighten these effects? Additional research is needed to be sure.

New school year, new you

All in all, taking CBD for stress could make your back-to-school transition (and/or your children’s back-to-school transition) that much easier. Whether you’re looking to foster good sleep, improve cognitive functions, boost focus and mental clarity, or strengthen your body’s immune system — treat yourself to CBD.

While Moodporium has tons of CBD products to help you out, one of our most popular products is the Wyld CBD + CBN Gummies. Deliciously juicy with an elderberry flavor, these gummies will make your back-to-school season all the better. Check them out here!