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The August Full Moon.

The Sturgeon Moon: Honoring the August Full Moon

In the words of Cherokee elder Grandmother Waynonaha, “The full moon is a time of blessing and new beginnings. Use this energy to draw forth the best within you.” On August 1, 2023, the August full moon will be a sight to behold — a perfect time to honor the passing of summer and the turning of the seasons.

Whether you take a moment to admire the night sky or find other ways to celebrate the Sturgeon Moon, it’s a wonderful opportunity to pay tribute to the passing of the summer season. Read on to discover some creative ways to honor the August full moon!

Hello to the August full moon

Full moon in the August sky.

The Sturgeon Moon is the name given to the full moon that occurs in August. This name comes from the Native American tradition of naming each full moon based on the natural events that occurred during that time of year.

The sturgeon is a large, freshwater fish found in many rivers and lakes in North America. In August, these fish are known to be particularly plentiful and easy to catch, which is where the full moon of this month got its name.

Additionally, the Sturgeon Moon is also sometimes called the Green Corn Moon or the Grain Moon. The name comes from August being an optimal time to harvest corn and grains. No matter what you choose to call this moon, this full moon is a special time for spiritual connection and renewal.

What the Sturgeon Moon means

August full moon.

The Sturgeon Moon is a time of abundance and fertility. In ancient times, the sturgeon was a sacred fish and a symbol of perseverance and strength. This August full moon was when tribes along the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River would fish for sturgeon, knowing that their catch would provide food and sustenance for the winter months.

In modern times, the Sturgeon Moon represents the opportunity to reap the rewards of hard work and dedication. It is a time to reflect on our personal growth and accomplishments and celebrate them. It is also a time to honor our ancestors and their connection to nature.

The full moon, in general, has a powerful spiritual meaning. It is a time when the energy is at its peak, and the veil between the physical and spiritual world is thin. This makes it a potent time for spiritual work, such as setting intentions, practicing meditation or rituals, and connecting with our intuition.

The Sturgeon Moon, in particular, can enhance our abilities to manifest abundance and increase our fertility in all areas of life, from finances to relationships to creative projects. By harnessing the energy of the full moon and the symbolism of the sturgeon, we can tap into our inner strength and resilience and manifest our desires.

Tap into the full moon energy

Woman in the bath reading a booj during the August full moon.

The August full moon is a powerful time to tap into the energy of the moon and connect with your inner self. Here are some rituals and practices to honor this sacred time.

1. Meditate under the moonlight: Find a quiet spot outdoors and meditate under the moonlight. Allow the peaceful energy of the full moon to calm your mind and restore your spirit.

2. Cleanse your space: Clear the energy in your home by burning sage or palo santo. Walk around your living space, visualizing any negative energy being swept away and replaced with positive energy.

3. Write down your intentions: Take some time to write down your goals and aspirations. The energy of the full moon will amplify your intentions and bring them to fruition.

4. Take a moonlit bath: Light candles and immerse yourself in a relaxing bath with soothing essential oils. Use this time to reflect on your inner thoughts and release any negative energy.

During the middle of summertime, it’s important to take care of yourself. Some self-care ideas include: taking a day off to relax, treating yourself to a spa day, or going on a nature hike. Whatever you choose, make sure to prioritize your mental and physical health during this busy time.

Connect with nature

Woman sitting outside in nature during the August full moon.

The Sturgeon Moon is a time to connect with nature and reflect on the abundance of the season. Here are three ways to connect with nature during the full moon:

1. Moonlit Hike: Take a night hike under the light of the full moon. Listen to the sounds of nature and embrace the beauty of the moonlit trail.

2. Water Rituals: Since the Sturgeon Moon falls in August, it’s the perfect time to embrace the water element. Take a dip in a nearby lake or river, or simply sit by the water and meditate on the healing powers of nature.

3. Moon Gazing: Find a quiet spot under the moon and simply gaze at its beauty. Reflect on the cycles of the moon and how they relate to your own life cycles. This can be a powerful way to connect with nature and your own inner self. 

Connecting with nature during the Sturgeon Moon is a powerful way to deepen your spiritual connection and embrace the beauty of the season.

Bask in the moonlight

As the Sturgeon Moon reaches its fullest form this month, reflect on the powerful energies and spiritual significance that it brings. This August full moon, in particular, is a reminder to us to stay strong, resilient, and focused, just like the mighty sturgeon fish. May this moon inspire us to keep moving forward, stay grounded in our truths, and embrace the abundance and blessings of the universe.