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July new moon in the sky.

The July New Moon: A Summer Blessing

The July new moon is a special time to slow down and give thanks and gratitude for all the blessings in your lives. As you look up at the night sky, take comfort in the knowledge that this moon will bring a refreshed sense of hope and renewal.

This new moon blessing gives us an opportunity to reflect on our lives and find gratitude within us. It is also a time to let go of what no longer serves us and embrace what lies ahead. Here’s how you can best connect with the July new moon.

Under the July new moon

July new moon in the sky during sunset.

This new moon is a significant celestial event with great potential for growth, manifestation, and transformation. This particular moon holds a special significance as it falls during the peak of summer, a time of abundance and vitality. It presents an opportunity to harness the energy of the cosmos and align ourselves with our deepest desires and aspirations.

While the June new moon was focused on releasing and letting go, the July new moon is all about embracing new beginnings and setting intentions for the future. It’s a time to reflect on our goals and desires and plant the seeds for what we wish to manifest in our lives. Since the new moon is the beginning of the lunar cycle (when the moon is completely invisible in the night sky), now is a perfect time to get clear about what you want.

How to prepare for the new moon

Crystals and tarot cards

To prepare for the July new moon, it is essential to create a sacred and nurturing space for yourself. To get started, clear any clutter or distractions from your environment, allowing the energy to flow freely. Light candles. Put your favorite essential oils in a diffuser and inhale an uplifting scent. To further set the scene, put on your favorite music or play ambient music.

Consider setting up an altar or sacred space where you can focus your intentions and connect with the energy of the moon. Adorn your altar with crystals that represent the moon. Selenite, moonstone, clear quartz, labradorite, and opal all make excellent mood-setting crystals.

Add any white or pale blue flowers to your altar, too. This will further help you connect with the moon. Looking for flower recommendations? Both jasmine and dandelions make great altar offerings.

Finally, to prepare for the new moon, remember that it is important to surrender and trust in the divine timing of the universe. Allow yourself to let go of any attachment to the outcome and have faith that your intentions will be realized in perfect alignment with your highest good.

The new moon in Cancer

Sunset during the July new moon.

First, it’s important to know that the July new moon is in the sign of Cancer. This is why this particular new moon is special — as it falls within the Cancer season, bringing an added emphasis on emotions and intuition. Cancer is ruled by the moon, which enhances the energy of this lunar phase, making it a potent time for reflection, inner growth, and setting intentions.

Additionally, this new moon also aligns with the planetary aspect of Saturn and Uranus, creating a powerful push-pull energy that encourages us to make big changes while also being cautious and strategic. The energy of this new moon invites us to step outside of our comfort zones, take calculated risks, and lean into the unknown. Plus, it’s a time to release any old patterns or habits that no longer serve us.

As we endure the summertime heat, this new moon will also bring a sense of warmth and comfort. The energy of Cancer encourages us to turn inward, connect with our emotions, and nurture ourselves and others.

While Cancer signs will feel a deep emotional shift during this time — other water signs, such as Scorpio and Pisces, also will experience heightened sensitivity and intuition.

Start a new moon self-care practice

Crystals and journaling during the July new moon.

Make the most of this transformative July new moon energy. Here are ten self-care practices you can incorporate into your new moon rituals:

1. Meditate and journal to gain clarity on your intentions

2. Take a relaxing bath with essential oils or Epsom salts

3. Practice gentle yoga or engage in any form of physical activity that feels nurturing

4. Spend time in nature and connect with the elements

5. Create a sacred space for yourself and light candles or burn incense

6. Engage in creative activities like painting, writing, or playing music

7. Set up an altar with meaningful objects or symbols that represent your intentions

8. Practice gratitude and affirmations to align your energy with your desires

9. Disconnect from technology and engage in digital detox for a day or a few hours

10. Practice self-love and forgiveness, releasing any negative emotions or self-limiting beliefs

Remember, if you’re setting intentions — do so with love, patients, and clarity. Be specific and heartfelt in your desires, and visualize yourself already achieving these goals. The energy of the new moon is there to support you in your journey toward a brighter and more fulfilling future.

Marvel at the moon

All in all, by preparing for the July new moon, you are opening yourself up to a world of limitless possibilities. Invite abundance, growth, and transformation into your life. Embrace this magical time and let the blessings of the new moon wash over you.